Thursday, January 22, 2015

CaPitaliZATion in EnGLisH.

With the increase of the social networks & the chatting services online, people tend to ignore when to use capital letters where appropriate. & that's totally fine! but the problem is, when writing somewhere other than a chat room or a text message, the habit may come along....
Writing things like "im", "gonna", "wanna" "u" not a good practice outside the very informal situations. (for example, an English test)..
So, let's see where English demands letters be in capitals.
1. At the beginning of a sentence:note the capital letters in this article at the beginning of sentences; note also how every subtitle (which is a beginning of a line) also has the first letter in capital (orange)

2. The pronoun "I":
-Even though, some write it "i" in as we mentioned, chats, text messages & so on...
3. People's & places names (countries, cities,etc):
-John, Elisabeth, Europe, Asia, Mount Everest.
4. Points of the compass:
North, East.
5. National & regional adjectives:-"an American" (noun), "an American man" (adjective). A Spanish woman, etc.
6. Religions:-Christianity, Islam, Sikh.
7. Days, months:- "Monday", "January", but not seasons such as "autumn".
8. Brand names:
"Toyota", "Nike", "Coca-Cola".
9. Titles:- "King George III", "St. Louis".
10. Abbreviations & acronyms:-S.O.S, WHO, UNICEF, NATO.

             I hope you enjoyed the article, share it if you like it & if you have comments, questions, just write them below...:)

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